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BreakInBox for children

My first set

"My first set" - a locked challenge bag with a set of 3 riddle boxes locked one inside the other, inside of it.
A printed riddle on the bag whose solution is the lock code.
In the innermost box, there is a medal.
Solving the riddles requires familiarity with the alphabet letters in Hebrew as well as arithmetic up to 10.
Intended for children kindergarten-grade 2 ages.
Recommended as a joint activity for parents and children, if needed for support, inclusion, and, guidance and if not, for encouragement and joy.
A QR code is displayed at the bottom of each box. Scanning it leads to an array of hints pages that can support the accompanying parent step by step in the solution process until finding the lock code.

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Children's box

A bamboo box with 8 challenges of 4 degrees of difficulty, presented on 4 groups of cards. The most difficult level requires the use of the internet.
Intended for children from kindergarten age to 4th grade. The eight challenges are designed as a joint activity for a child or a group of children (up to 4 children) guided by an adult.
A QR code is attached to each puzzle when scanned leading to a detailed instruction page that accompanies the operator of the activity and includes details about the level of difficulty, the skills practiced, and highlights about the challenge, including the steps of the solution.
The box and locks can be used as a tool that supports the self-construction of additional challenge puzzles by you and the children.
The puzzles were built to give children an experiential experience while practicing systematic thinking processes, enabling creative and unique

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